Works Cited
1. "Abraham Maslow Quotes." Famous Quotes and Quotations at BrainyQuote. Web. 28 Oct. 2010. <>.
- advertisements for american public university
- probably not a good source to use because there is no information regarding where the quotes came from
2. Boeree, George. "Abraham Maslow." Personality Theories. My Webspace Files. Web. 23 Oct. 2010. <>.
- author has a doctorate degree
- originally copyrighted in 1998, most recent updated copyright is 2006
- author is part of the Psychology Department at Shippensburg University
- website for educational purposes; to be used by undergraduate and graduate students
- has a bibliography citing books as well as journal articles written by Maslow
- includes a section explaining criticism directed as Maslow's theory
- these reasons indicate that this is a reliable source
Huitt, W. "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs." Educational Psychology Interactive. Web. 28 Oct. 2010. <>.
- author has doctorate
- member of dept. of psychology and counseling at Valdosta State University
- lots of sources written by Maslow himself cited
- no advertisements
- reliable source to use